Crystal Spiral Kiddush Cup G04 This nickel and pure gold plated Kiddush goblet with its crystal base is a visual delight. Its lens-like quality and conical shape that provide multiple perspectives create an almost infinite number of variations of the Kiddush that has been engraved in a spiral design into the crystal base. “Some consider the spiral a symbol of the spiritual journey. It is also considered to represent the evolutionary process of learning and growing. It seems that life doesn’t proceed in a straight line. The path of life more closely resembles a spiral. We seem to pass the same point over and over again but from a different perspective each time. To walk and then stand in the center of a spiral or labyrinth has been a psycho-spiritual exercise for centering the consciousness” Height 14 cm $385.00 Quantity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 Buy Now